A universal platform built to connect the supply chain at every level to provide more timely, accurate, and complete order tracking transparency for any industry.

Connecting the Supply Chain at Every Level

IDEA OrdrTrak creates efficiency for both suppliers and customers by providing order status information in real time through one connection. Customers can see order status information for ALL suppliers on one screen and suppliers can efficiently connect to their customers and reduce the burden on their staff to provide order updates.

Tedious and repetitive status updates Eliminates duplicative emails and phone calls
Manual data entry Decreases CSR workload through automation
Incomplete or out of date information, resulting in disappointed customers Accurate and complete updates in real-time
Multiple supplier portals to navigate with unique login information and design Single sign-on with universal access for every supplier on one screen

Real-time Order Tracking Decreases Costs,
Increases Sales for the Supply Chain

Easy Set-up & Use

A secure API connection makes IDEA OrdrTrak implementation a breeze for manufacturers. Similarly, agents and distributors have a minimal learning curve and can read data with ease in its standardized format on any connected device.


Supply Chain Efficiency

When all order information is a simple search away, there’s no need for status calls and emails. Staff across the entire supply chain save time and companies can save money by reducing manual effort and lags in response time.

All Answers in One Place

From a single portal, share and receive information pertaining to order status (ship date and tracking number), product inventory (availability, backorder, location), product details (spec sheets, instructions, marketing content), and pricing (and whether net prices are available). Users can also create singular or multi-product submittals packages based on IDEA Connector data.


Benefits to Manufacturers

Improve operational efficiency and increase your profits

Supply your data via a simple API connection, and IDEA OrdrTrak will present your data in an easy-to-read, standardized format in real time on a single platform on any device with an Internet connection

Manufacturer supplies data and IDEA OrdrTrak℠ presents data in an easy-to-read, standardized format

Increase sales by making it easier for distributors, agents and customers to do business with you

Maximize profits by reducing order administration costs

Benefits to Agents and Distributors

Spend less time managing orders & more time developing new business

Access current manufacturer data in real time on a single platform on any device with an Internet connection

Connect to key supply chain partners and improve communications across the supply chain, including job sites

Receive quick and accurate answers for your customers

Stand out from the competition by improving customer experiences

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