Best Practices Guides: Your Toolbox for Making Strategic Decisions, Being More Competitive, and Improving Relationships with Your Partners
IDEA is the industry-endorsed technology solutions provider. We know the challenges of companies large and small, because we were created for the industry by the industry. Since the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED) established IDEA in 1998, we’ve been servicing distributors and manufacturers with product data syndication and EDI (electronic data interchange). As a leader in the electrical industry, IDEA is uniquely poised to provide Best Practices Guides to the industry.
EDI Migration Best Practices Guide

Transitioning your EDI to a new service provider is a strategic decision that offers your company competitive agility, ensuring your systems grow with your business needs. With the right planning and an expert team familiar with the intricacies of EDI systems, the migration can be as straightforward as upgrading your business software.
IDEA Connector Best Practices Guide
Manufacturers’ product and pricing information is critical in the buying process. To help you—IDEA Connector manufacturers—be more competitive, we’re sharing best practices for product data management.

EDI Best Practices Guide

To get the most value out of EDI, it’s important to assess and review your plan regularly. IDEA has compiled the most helpful EDI best practices as a reference guide.