Syndicate Product Data in Fewer Steps

The Harmonized Data Model (HDM) is a single data model in IDEA Connector that harmonizes multiple product data standards to efficiently support several syndication formats. This initiative will power a better customer experience with consistent data to sell more products with less data clean-up.


"If a distributor can get useful and high-quality product content from IDEA Connector onto its website without any data manipulation, then it’s available to the end-users faster which can lead to more conversions and increased ROI. That’s why IDEA is working on the Harmonized Data Model (HDM). Currently, manipulating product data to fit into e-commerce platforms is done at the end of the supply chain. However, if we can have a unified data model based on standards, this normalization can be done at the beginning. Manufacturers can provide the data in a structure that distributors can immediately use. This creates consistency in the marketplace and takes cost out of the channel."

Denise Keating

VP Customer Success, IDEA

More Product Data from More Partners Means More Sales

Supported by NAED and NEMA to solve data consistency problems

Per the direction of NEMA and NAED, IDEA is driving a harmonization initiative in collaboration with leaders and subject matter experts from the electrical industry to translate product attributes between different standards.

Through the HDM in IDEA Connector, manufacturers can transmit data in their preferred format, and it will be syndicated to distributors ready-to-use with attribute labels that are consistent with products on their e-commerce site.

No more time wasted on redundant data entry and downstream modifications. Fewer product returns. Less confusing search results for customers.

With the HDM single data model, manufacturers can seamlessly meet distribution channel demands for differing taxonomies and category attribute standards.

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While UNSPSC PAS/CAS and ETIM BMEcat will be the first standards normalized, others will be added in future iterations, ensuring the industry will continue to benefit from IDEA Connector’s the top-of-the-line data.

Manufacturers: Easily Provide All Your Distributors With the Data They Need

The dream of a world without separate spreadsheets for each channel partner is about to come true. With the Harmonized Data Model, manufacturers will be able to replace the redundant, manual methods of data creation with a single data feed. Not only will this reduce errors, you’ll be able to syndicate data to new partners more easily, creating global sales opportunities and strengthening relationships with existing partners who require data in alternate formats.


Distributors: Help Customers Find the Products They Want to Buy

When e-commerce site search results drive customers to the products they seek, they tend buy more. Uniformity across all facets and attributes is the foundation of a good customer experience. When you can populate all your selling channels with normalized product data from IDEA Connector’s Harmonized Data Model, you’ll reduce manual effort needed to manipulate manufacturer data and costs associated with product returns.

Get Involved as a Product Category Expert

Subject matter experts (SMEs) from across the electrical industry are providing input on attributes for product categories. If you are a current IDEA Connector subscriber interested in providing your feedback for IDEA’s alignment map, contact us today to join the Product Expert Task Force.

Advisory Council

Manufacturers and distributors comprise the HDM Advisory Council to provide guidance
and ensure the data model is useful for the entire industry.


Shilpi Bhadoria

Rockwell Automation

Erin Boggs


Kelly Brickner

Eaton Corporation

John Callen

Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.


Eaton Corporation

Seth Gilbert


Randy Niemiec

Panduit Corp.

Eric Rehl

Schneider Electric

Dante Urzi

Schneider Electric

Myca Van Doren

Schneider Electric


Todd O’Riley

Steiner Electric Co.

John Shull

Platt Electric Supply, Inc./Rexel

Bryan Siek

City Electric Supply

Chris Ziegelmann

Border States Industries, Inc.

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